ABC - Architectural Building Components
ABC stands for Architectural Building Components
Here you will find, what does ABC stand for in Construction under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Architectural Building Components? Architectural Building Components can be abbreviated as ABC What does ABC stand for? ABC stands for Architectural Building Components. What does Architectural Building Components mean?The Construction company falls under building materials category and is located in Houston, Texas.
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Alternative definitions of ABC
- Atp Binding Cassette
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Activity Based Costing
- Activity Based Costing
- Activity Based Costing
- Alcoholic Beverage Control
- A Better Chance
View 568 other definitions of ABC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- AMS All Metals Supply
- ASF Allied Security Fence
- ALC Amber Lodging Company
- ACO Alma Career Oy
- AFD Amherst Fire District
- APFL Asia Poultry Feeds Ltd.
- ATL Anything Technical Ltd
- AJTR AJ Technology Resources
- AGSC AG Spanos Corporation
- ASA Allied Signal Aerospace
- AFC A Fast Courier
- APCUG Association of Personal Computer User Groups
- ASH Anthropology the Study of Humankind
- AAM Appian Asset Management
- ANGTE Abu Nasir General Transport Establishment
- ASB Atlantic Southern Bank
- AHV Anne Holland Ventures